UPDATE: I did it!! CATALINA CHANNEL 2.0! 12 hours 54 min! More updates & photos soon!

🗓️Date: SUN JULY 28 into JULY 29th

🏁Start: ~10:30-11:30PM PDT @ Catalina Island

🛑Finish: Rancho Palos Verdes aka mainland California (Los Angeles)

Estimated finish time: 12-13hrs.

In 2018, I completed this swim in 13hrs 14min. So figures crossed for smooth conditions!

➡️ Distance: ~20 miles (32.3km)

🛥️ PILOT/BOAT: Pacific Moon with @pacificstardiving

CREW: Joe Mahach (Crew Chief / husband) + Dylan Tenney & Madison Short (Crew / Kayakers) 🫶

📍There is a TRACKER LINK to follow my progress in real time (link HERE).

**I invite you to follow the swim via the tracker & on socials! @madisonrshort will also be posting updates to my my social media, as well!

I am so excited to revisit this swim for the 2nd time! I am also so excited to bring a little bit of of Baltimore with us!😋 I’ll be wearing my Bmore swimsuit designed by @sarbolton & printed by @closecallstudio ! And I can’t wait to see the @closecallstudio bunting banner hanging over the water once again!! I love you, Baltimore.

The Catalina Channel is truly so beautiful & it was such an amazing swim when I did it in 2018- with bioluminescence sparkles in the water every stroke in the night hours, the most beautiful sunrise, huge schools of fish, a giant pod of dolphins, and gorgeous water. I am excited to revisit this swim with so much more knowledge, experience, and confidence. Every swim is unique- even in the same stretch of water- so I can’t wait!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for following & cheering me on!! And thank you so much to everyone that has donated to my GOFUNDME- those funds help to support my entire 2024 swim season. (10% of all those funds will be donated to the Maryland Tough Baltimore Strong Key Bridge Fund.)

Thank you again to all of my sponsors, partners, supporters, friends, family, and everyone out there cheering me on! I truly appreciate the love & support from so many wonderful people. I love this sport so much & it is so wonderful to share it with you all. Yay swimming!! LET’S DO THIS!

Love, Katie